[Video] NFA Trust – Do I Need Chief Law Enforcement Signature for NFA Guns?
Making or purchasing NFA firearms has certain signature requirements under current law, unless you are using an NFA Trust. There are two ways to make or purchase NFA items: you can do it as an [...]
Don’t Stock up on Stun Guns Quite Yet
Are stun guns legal in Massachusetts? Will they ever be? What does the U.S. Supreme Court say about Caetano v. Massachusetts, 577 U.S. __ (2016)? Justice Alito argued that the MA decision [...]
[Video] NFA Trust – Deadline to submit NFA Trust and Form in MA to be grandfathered
Confused about the new NFA Trust Regulations (41F) that will go into effect on July 13, 2106? You need to know the deadline for which to file your NFA Trust and application to fall under current [...]